Our Kickboxing program is not just a cardio-kickboxing based workout, it also includes hitting pads, using resistance bands, medicine balls, kettlebells, ropes and circuit training all while using H.I.I.T.
High Intensity Interval Training is one of the best fat-burning, sweat inducing workouts around.
Unlike most cardio-kickboxing programs, we stress proper form and details. This is important to prevent the many injuries we see when an unqualified instructor teaches kickboxing techniques that they don’t even know how to do themselves. Every class is taught by a certified instructor that has gone through extensive training in proper technique, fitness training, nutrition and motivation. These classes will help build your confidence and your body. Kickboxing is a great way for someone to lose 5 or 50 pounds. If you want a motivating, creative and solid workout that makes monotonous treadmills, weight lifting and "thug mentality" gyms a thing of the past, you'll find it here!
Success Stories

Here is what one of our recent Revolution 35 participant said about our program.
5 weeks of hard work paying off. Still work to go, but a great start! Big thanks to all the coaches with Rev35 and my hubby for supporting me and a special thanks to Donalea for being a great coach and inspiration.
-Jes D.
Look at her success in just 35 days, and that is only 1 of the 32 participants. All of them made great progress and gained tremendous knowledge. Here are some highlights of what they told us about our Revolution 35 program.
Increased Confidence
Learned the importance of accountability: having a team of people sharing a common goal makes everyone stronger
Respect for the 'fuel' going into your body
How to make time to workout in spite of a busy schedule
Getting rid of the common excuses not to be in shape and the ability to overcome them
How to set and achieve short term goals
Common exercise blunders and how to correct them
Increased nutrition knowledge
Here’s my story…
I joined Rev35 in January for REV35 session 2, I promised my partner Don that I would do this Rev35 thing after losing a bet. I had no intention of liking it or giving it much effort. I am a very busy man and I didn't think I had time for this. But a bet is a bet and I'm not one to back out of a commitment… so onward I went. My coach was Donalea and when we met I thought she was CRAZY! (I still do!) I promised her I would do the program as long as it didn't take me away from my business which consumes about 90 hours a week of my time.
Day 1 my first work out in years. OH MY GOD! I’m going to die...I told Donalea that I hated her! I can't possibly do this you are killing me! I went home that first night sore as hell and totally exhausted. But, I didn't quit, I figured I could put two hours a week into this for the next five weeks…I might die but there is a slim possibility that I’ll make it to the end still in one piece.
Day 2 Running. I was a runner way back in my younger years and actually ran a marathon in the 1970’s but when I was 45 I fell off my roof and busted my ankle and foot. I never healed correctly and limped most of the time right up to and during part of Rev35. I knew running was going to be an issue. I took it slow and listen to Tom Weber, I also followed all his instructions and by the second week I felt like I might just be able to run again.
The CHANGE: Somewhere near the end of week two I realized I needed to take this serious. I began to really study my eating habits; I kept everything lean, green & clean. I even started going to Kick Fit four to five times a week plus I was running three times a week. I was LOVING what was happening to me. I had more energy and my work time was becoming more efficient. Also my head was so much clearer.
From then on I busted my butt gave 110% and I succeeded to lose 22 lbs. on my first time out…I still have a ways to go so I’m back and loving it even more. My goal is another 20 lbs. in this round. And then another 20 on the next session!
So for those of you new to this amazing group…It’s Ok to not like it at first and feel sore and tired and maybe even hungry …BUT don’t give up, this is best gift you could give yourself and in two weeks you will feel the transformation. AND IT’S AMAZING! AND YOU WILL BE AMAZING!
I’m happy and grateful to be sharing this journey with you.
And about that Crazy Donalea…I love her and all she has done to help me on journey being the best I can be.
-Kent T.
Syracuse, NY

35 Days:
Total Weight Lost -303.6lbs.
Total Inches Lost -408.5 inches
Total % of Body Weight Lost -17.71%
Biggest Loser by % of Body Weight
#1-Kent: -10.30% -22.8lbs.
#2-Don: -8.26% -17.8lbs.
#3-Jamie: -7.73% -15.2lbs.
Biggest Loser in Inches
#1-Jamie: -19.80 inches
#2-Anna: -17.75 inches
#3-Cara: -17.25 inches
4 Coaches, 32 Revolutionaries , 35 Days
Total Pounds Lost - 184.4 pounds
Total Inches Lost - 289.2 inches